The expert review process in the Journal of Economic Policy and Research is a quality control mechanism. A process in which experts in the relevant research field review the articles. The final decision regarding the publication of the report by the editorial board members is based on the opinion of the respected judges and the review of the article, and the editor is at the head of this decision.


Diagnostic arbitration (maximum 10 days)


After uploading the article by the author, the article is reviewed briefly. In the initial review, some articles are rejected due to lack of thematic suitability and lack of necessary criteria, and only articles that meet the following criteria are sent to expert review:


  1. to be consistent with the goals and visions of the quarterly.


  1. Applied subjects in the field of economic sciences are well explained in the text of the article.


  1. Regarding content and science, the article can be sent to the referee.


  1. The style of writing the quarterly magazine should be followed.


Review Process (at least 2 months)

The articles found suitable in the diagnostic review stage are sent to two referees with confidentiality and anonymity. Neither the referee knows the names of the authors nor the authors of the referee’s name. Based on the judging results and according to the editorial board’s opinion, some articles may be sent to a maximum of 4 referees. In this case, the arbitration process may last more than two months. Then, the editor and other editorial board members review the article based on the expert report of the judges and their explanations and the edits made by the author, and a decision is made based on this in such a way that if the amendments are approved, they will be accepted and put into the printing process. The quarterly magazine will publish the article when the suggested changes in the text of the article have been made. In this section, the author re-uploads the revised article, and the quality of the article is rechecked. (Conditional acceptance) . All articles are sent to the responsible author after page layout and editing and before publication so that if anything needs to be controlled and changed, it can be done. Finally, the author's approval for publication is obtained.