Document Type : Original Article


1 M.S in Environmental Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Human Sciences, Chabahar University of Maritime and Marine Sciences, Chabahar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Management and Human Sciences, Chabahar University of Maritime and Marine Sciences, Chabahar, Iran

3 PhD in Economics, Finance Officer, East Azerbaijan Province, Iran



Given the importance of oil in exporting countries, oil price fluctuations, in addition to affecting the economies of importing countries, are the biggest source of disruption in the economy, especially in unemployment of oil-dependent countries. Therefore, in the present study, the effects of oil price shocks on unemployment in Iran in the period 1998 to 2019 have been investigated using the vector error correction model. According to the results, based on the results, the reaction of unemployment functions in agriculture, industry and services to oil price shocks during different periods is different and improves in some periods. Also, referring to the analysis of variance tables, it can be acknowledged that the major changes in the unemployment functions of the agricultural and industrial sectors are related to changes in oil prices, and changes in unemployment in the service sector are due to changes in interest rates.

Keywords: Oil prices, unemployment, momentum, Iran

JEL classification: E24، Q43


Main Subjects

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