Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Economics, Department of Economic Planning and Development, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Economic, Department of Economics, Statistical Research and Training Center, Tehran, Iran

3 PH.D in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Science faculty, Shiraz University, Fars, Iran


In this study, the employment generation capacity of different sectors of the economy has been measured using the symmetric table of the output data (IO) of the Iran Statistics Center in 2015 with the traditional method. In this regard, increasing coefficients of employment have been calculated using Leontief's demand-oriented model. The results show that for employees of 10 years and more, the sectors of other services, professional, scientific and technical activities, and administrative activities and support services respectively have the highest investment value in terms of employment generation potential. Among the mentioned workers, for those who have higher education, the most employment creation has been done in professional, scientific and technical activities, and education. In comparison of the employment generation capacity according to gender, only education activities and activities related to human health and social work have directly created more employment for women. Indirect employment generation of all activities has been more for men. Among the 21 fields of study, the share related to the employees who had education in engineering fields and engineering professions, commerce and administrative affairs, and humanities; It has been more than others, among which, the most job creation has taken place in the field of professional, scientific and technical activities.


Main Subjects

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