Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Entrepreneurship, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Entrepreneurship


Improper distribution of resources and opportunities in societies is one of the main reasons for lack of supply, demand pressure and finally inflation. Benefiting from equal development opportunities such as natural resources, various services and facilities including educational, health, economic and infrastructure plays an important role in strengthening the supply in the economy and increasing its production capacity. Therefore, by emphasizing on creation of equal development opportunities in different regions, we can expect to facilitate the containment of inflation.

So, in this research, data and information on more than sixty development indicators were collected in the provinces of Iran during the period of 2006-2020 by using the combined data method (Principal Component Analysis) and we tried to calculate the index of development opportunities in six sectors (cultural-social, educational, infrastructural, healthcare, environmental and economic), then the relationship between the distribution of development opportunities and inflation in the provinces of Iran was investigated by Copula

Functions. Based on the results of this research, there are opportunities for the development and inflation of low-tail dependency. Therefore, with the unequal and inappropriate distribution of the development opportunity, the inflation rate has increased.


Main Subjects

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