Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student in Islamic Economics, Faculty of Law and Economics, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr/Isfahan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Economics, Faculty of Law and Economics, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr/Isfahan, Iran. (Corresponding Author)

3 Associate Professor of Economics, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.



Gender equality is one of the basic human rights and is considered one of the Millennium Development Goals. Gender inequality in education, employment and wages is one of the most important challenges facing developing countries. Therefore, the goal of this article is to analyze the threshold effect of good governance on gender equality with an emphasis on income inequality in Iran, during the period of 2004:1-2021:4. So, gender inequality, Gini coefficient and the average of six good governance indicators were considered as gender inequality index, income inequality index and good governance index, and STR method was used to estimate. The results indicated that when income inequality passes the threshold equal to 0.495 with three lag periods, gender inequality changes regime with a speed equal to 10.177 and from the first regime to the second regime is entered. In adittion income inequality in both regimes had a negative effect on gender equality, and this effect was strengthened in the second regime. Good governance and economic growth have also had an inverted U-shaped effect on gender equality. Also, information and communication technology has a positive effect on gender equality, and in the second regime this effect is Weakened.


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