Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Management and Accounting faculty, Islamic Azad University Tonekabon Branch, Tonekabon, Iran

2 Phd educated of Department of Agricultural Economics



The household as a fundamental institution in every society and in the national economy, on the one hand, supplies the labor force to the firms in the inputs market and on the other hand, it is the consumer of the final goods and services in their market.


In this study the Heckman two-stage approach is used. The sample includes 193 women in informal settlements of Sanandaj city.

Geographical area of research

In this study the economic value of the housekeeping is estimated who living in informal settlements in Sanandaj city.

Results and discussion

According to the results of this study, with increasing of women's education, their wages will increase by 0.09%. Also, increasing each unit in the market wage rate increases the individual's income by 0.0003%. In addition, the results show that the potential monthly salary of women in this city is estimated at 2752 thousand Tomans. Also, the added value of the domestic work of women living in the informal settlements of Sanandaj city is estimated to be about 77.4% (13986 billion Rials) of the gross domestic product of Kurdistan province.


Main Subjects